LeftyLite 98g.

Mount a tricky stem onto your Lefty fork!


Weight: 98g (full length)

Compatibility: Lefty forks 1.o/2.o/Supermax

Finishing: black anodized / natural carbon

Length: 202mm adjustable and shortable


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LeftyLite makes you munt any standard 1 1/8 stem onto your Lefty forks.

The whole LeftyLite steerer-tube assembly can be cut to length to fit your personal setup (frame + stem + spacers).

LeftyLite allows to significantly lighten the fork-stem combo.
Example: LeftyLite + HyperStem save 145g on a medium frame.

Standard Lefty steer-tube (M) 110g
Standard Lefty Stem 100mm 210g
Total 320g

LeftyLite (cut to 198mm)96g
HyperStem 100m 79g

Total 175g

Balance: 145g

(steer-tube expander not required)

Frame size and suggested minimum tube length for typical Lefty clamps distances (outside - outside):
S - 173mm - (130mm)
M - 185mm - (142mm)
L - 198mm - (155mm)
XL - 210mm - (167mm)

Add spacers on S,M,L sizes if needed.

Turn your Lefty stuff into the right thing.

100% made in Italy